Data Sculpture, 2017
The study "Un—Ordnung. Schwarmverhalten in digitalen Topografien" examines the swarm behavior of animal collectives and relates it to digital communication behavior on social media. As a result, a digital swarm was mapped on the social media reactions concerning the terrorist attack at Berlin Breitscheidplatz on December 19, 2016.
Around 20,000 tweets in a 24-hour timeframe were extracted in the context of the attack – all using the hashtag #Breitscheidplatz. The collected tweets were then sorted by opinion and influence. The different opinions (neutral, populist, activist) result in swarm formations in the digital swarm structure. Analogous to the current time, a panel lights up in each case so that the mood can be read in terms of time.
To trace the swarm constellation during the debate, the panels are illuminated according to the current time.